Company law

We support you as a shareholder, management and/or supervisory body in all matters relating to company law. With economic understanding and many years of experience, we develop customised solutions together with you and your tax advisors. This includes all legal forms from the partnership under civil law to the limited partnership, GmbH, AG, SE and foundations.

Key services
  • Company formations
  • Amendments to articles of association, in particular corporate actions
  • Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
  • Company succession
  • Transformation processes (change of legal form, demerger, merger, accretion models)
  • Advice and representation in disputes between shareholders
  • Advice on any legal form, including public limited companies and SEs
  • Advice on corporate groups (inter-company agreements such as control and/or profit and loss transfer agreements, cash pooling, financing issues, etc.)
  • Advice on various participation models to incentivise employees (manager or employee participation models, dormant companies, etc.)
  • Advice on co-determination law issues relating to the Co-Determination Act and the One-Third Participation Act
  • Foundations (establishment, ongoing advice)
  • Shareholder agreements, pool agreements
  • Winding up of companies (liquidation)
  • Advice on liability avoidance of management bodies

Examples from practice. To the point.

  • Advising and representing a manufacturing company with several thousand employees in the acquisition of engineering companies.
  • Professional support for the extensive processes and revision of the articles of association of family-owned companies in a later successor generation of the company founders
  • Merger of several dozen group companies of a company in the food processing sector into two target legal entities
  • Advising and representing a minority shareholder in the sale of a shareholding in a manufacturing company
  • Preparation of and assistance in the conduct of general meetings
  • Advising in connection with the financing in the high double-digit million range of a group of companies in the manufacturing sector
  • Establishment of a family foundation for the purpose of company succession
  • Establishment of a charitable foundation for the purpose of promoting professional qualifications
  • Transfer of shares in a trading company to a suitable successor from one's own family, taking into account "soft siblings".
  • Registration of a merger with the Federal Cartel Office for the purpose of

Lawyers for corporate law in our firm

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You can reach our lawyers in the field of inheritance law by telephone.